how to make a webhosting server without ISPConfig or EASYCP just FTP and Apache mysql

Discussion in 'Suggest HOWTO' started by peacengell, Feb 7, 2008.

  1. peacengell

    peacengell Member

    how to make a webhosting server without ISPConfig or EASYCP just FTP and Apache mysql and php any how to
    + how to configure virtualhost
    all done on Centos 5
    can anyone do this please thanks a milions :D
    i try to use ISPConfig but none the result wrk
    maybe i'm newbeeee that why
    maybe with this type of how i may learnsomething and then i go to ISPconfig panel
    i will use in on lan and the centos instalation will be on Vmware on a laptop vista machine thanks you very much :)
  2. christensen143

    christensen143 New Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you take a look at the Perfect Server How-to for the distro you are interested in, you can work around the stuff associated with ISPConfig.

    Regardless, I will work on formatting Falko's excellent how-to into a scaled down how-to.

    Chris Christensen

    Hardware (n): The parts of a computer system that can be kicked.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2008

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