hello folks, How to make Apache serve 1 000,000 simultaneously connections? This question is at the aplication and hardware level;lets assume you have all requiered bandwidth. Is there out there any tutorial to make Apache serve 1 000,000 simultaneously connections? Best Regards, Angelito
I think I went out of scope. Perhapas 1 000,000 connections a day ? any idea about the busiest site around, maybe some statistics? Angelito
Take a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/configuring_apache_for_maximum_performance If the server gets busy, you can think about setting up a load-balancer and split the load on two or more web servers: http://www.howtoforge.com/high-availability-load-balancer-haproxy-heartbeat-debian-etch http://www.howtoforge.com/haproxy_loadbalancer_debian_etch http://www.howtoforge.com/high-availability-load-balancer-pound-keepalived-debian-etch