SuSE 9.3. Everything works ok, but I want it to start automatically when the system is reset. How to do that?
Run Code: chkconfig --levels 235 ispconfig_server on It should then start at boot time afterwards. Normally the ISPConfig installer configures your system to start ISPConfig at boot time automatically, but that seems to have failed on your system somehow...
Have this problem too. Hello. this command chkconfig --levels 235 ispconfig_server on doesnt work at Suse 9.3 --levels command is unknown. If I put normal chkconfig --add ispconfig_server on it will add it to start before MySQL and that is a problem. Can anyone help? - Maxx
Go to your runlevel directories, normally /etc/init.d/rc2.d, /etc/init.d/rc3.d and /etc/init.d/rc5.d. There you will find symlinks like this: Code: S[number]ispconfig_server -> /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server The number is important for the order in which services start at boot time - the higher the number the later they start. If you rename the link to S99ispconfig_server (S99ispconfig_server -> /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server) then ISPConfig should start after MySQL.