How to Make my Website Known to the World

Discussion in 'General' started by llamy, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. llamy

    llamy New Member


    I want to know how to make my website known to search Engines.

    Any Comments is very well welcomed.

  2. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    First of all - the metadata on every page (description,keywords,title etc.).
    Use mod_rewrite or similar (if any) to rewrite the address to something like htm,html.
    Search engines don't like dynamic pages with addresses for ex. page.php?id=13245234&task=read&subject=boring.
    You have to know a little about how certain search engines work and what things do they care about most.
    Sooner or later search engines will index Your site more or less without Your help.
    I'd say that You should let everyone know about Your website by writing posts on forums or comments signed whith the site's address,share the contents with others etc. If the search engines see information from Your site on other sites,the more Your site should be interesting for the search bots.
    You can pay for indexing too.It can be expensive but i guess it's worth it depending on what do You want to do with Your site.
    Remember that site positioning is a proces,not some things to do.
    You must keep doing it.If You'll stop,Your site will fall down in the search results.
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2007
  3. AlArenal

    AlArenal New Member

    I don't think this topic is related to ISPConfig ;)

    Meta keywords and such stuff may be used by search engines, but most don't and even if they do use them it doesn't affect the ranking.

    To make it known to the world, tell those about who may have an interest in whatever content it presents. Make yourself heard as commenter in related weblogs and leave your web address there. Make sure you have quality content that attracts visitors and make sure it's accessible by web spiders (have a look in the various SEO weblogs).

    Noone will link to oyur site and pages on your site if noone cares about what you present there and if you have no incoming links from related sites you won't receive a good ranking, cause if noone cares about your site (and having no incoming links from other related sites is a strong indicator) then search enginges won't give you a good ranking, because they're built to give people links to quality websites for given keywords.

    It's an organic thing to get your site known and it takes time. Ask yourself what and how much unique value your website adds to the web. The answer may give you an idea of what to expect from search engines in the future...
  4. llamy

    llamy New Member

    Thanks to all for your replies, those are good infos to know about.

  5. Leszek

    Leszek Member

    A good idea is to update Your site regularly.
    If You will gain someone's attention,he might have a reason to come back and check what changed.
  6. seohowto

    seohowto New Member

    The other guys in this thread are correct regarding META data. This data is used to a marginal degree but is mostly ignored from a ranking sense.

    The META Description is used sometimes as the text used in the SERP's (Search Engine Results Page).

    A good use of META tags these days is the "geo.position" and "ICBM" tags. Great for Localised search when trawled by high PR Geo search engines.

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