Hello, My main mater server was hacked a week ago (it is on version 3.1.14p2 with debian 8.11). I have "cleaned" the server, but I would be more confortable with a new setup for the main master server. I have bought a license of the migration tool. But after reading all tech documents that I have found, I am not sure on how to proceed. Could you please explain the best way/approach for "migrating" this main master server to a new system? As you can imagine, the system is in production and downtime should be minimum. Thank's.
Hello, as you want to migrate the master server (probably) wanting to leave the slaves intact, you should use the ISPCopy tool that is part of the migration toolkit. To minimize the downtime I would recommend using the following approach: Make a first run of the ISPCopy tool prepare "haproxy" on the old server (stopped!) and set the config to forward all tcp packets on ports 80, 443, 25 etc. to the new server's ip run the ISPCopy tool in incremental mode run an ISPConfig update on the new server with reconfigure services "yes" make sure the new target is working as expected shut down all services on the old server (apache, postfix etc.), everything that might conflict with the configured tcp forwarding in haproxy run the incremental ISPCopy again directly after the tool finished start up haproxy on the old server run ISPConfig update on the new master with "reconfigure services" yes (was overwritten by ISPCopy) run ISPConfig update on all slave servers to enter the new master data (ip, mysql etc.) and choose to reconfigure master db access. If you have further questions please use the migration tool support form. https://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=migration