I have created a new web server, so now there are two web servers managed by ISPConfig 3. I have created new clients and put them to the new web server, that works. But now I want to move an existing clients web site from old web server to new web server. Do I have to make all the changes manually to /etc/passwd, /etc/group and /var/www directories et. al.? The drop down menus in ISPConfig web interface do not offer the new web server nor it's IP number.
Good grief. I really need to move sites to the new server. Should I create a new customer on the new server, and import the files and database to that site? Or am I trying to do something silly, and should to something completely different?
Same multiserver. I have only one ISPConfig cluster. Originally there was only one host and two name servers that zone transferred the info from that one host. Now I have added a web server to the same ISPConfig cluster.
Would it work to create a new website for the existing client, and put that new site on the new web server? I suppose this creates the necessary users and groups on the server, and I could move the files and databases over and change DNS to point to new IP address.
This thread is old but I am in a similar situation where I need to move customers from a datacenter in one state to a data center in another state. Have servers installed with webservers in both locations and they are all part of the same multiserver ISPConfing system. Would like to move the existing customers websites and emails over to the new datacenter a few at a time. Was going to create new websites for exisitng customers and then ftp data over and then tweak dns for new IP's. Now sure how to move emails. Can I create the maildomain on the new mail server at the new location for the domain I'm moving and then just resync the /var/vmail folder from the current mail server to the new mail server and then just change the DNS. Will that work? Thanks!
The problem is that you can not have a email or web domain twice in a multiserver setup, so a domsin can only be on server a or b. What kight eork is that sou change the server_id of a mail fomsin plus all deoending records like mail user, aliases etc to the id if the new server, then use the resync tool in ispconfig to create the mailboxes on the new server and then move the data with rsync. One problem is that the records in the ispconfig database of the old server eill stay so you have to delete them manually. In any case, make a backup of all databases first
The resyn-tool does not sync alle mail-related settings to the new server. wehn the maildomain / mailboxes are created on the new server check the mail_* - tables again.