How to move secondary DNS to new hardware?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Ripeed, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. Ripeed

    Ripeed Member

    Hi everyone, again I need help:) I Have solution by this tutorial.

    It works fine, thanks to

    Now I want to move the secondary server to another hardware. And question is how I can easily do it? It is something what I must avoid?

    Thanks a lot for help!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If you use a virtual machine, you can simply move the virtual machine to the new server.

    Otherwise, you could create an image of your server (e.g. with CloneZilla) and install the image on the new system, or you take backups of all relevant data (ISPConfig database, BIND configuration, etc.) and restore it on the new system (which should ideally run the same distribution).
  3. Ripeed

    Ripeed Member

    Thanks falco... I think the easiest way will be for me do that image. But I have two answers:

    1. If I put image to different HW? Linux is ok with that?

    2. When I will creating image and putting back, if some problem with software raid? I have RAID 1. And will have..

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    This should work, unless you have some hardware for which your image doesn't have drivers.

    Make sure the new hard drives are at least the same size as the old drives.

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