how to point multiple domains to shared code base

Discussion in 'General' started by loveunit, Jul 16, 2008.

  1. loveunit

    loveunit New Member


    I'm about to upgrade my server account to a VPS, but have only been offered Plesk, which I don't like and I'm pretty sure it cannot achieve directly what I need to do, I wonder if this can be done with ISPconfig?

    Basically I have a website builder - which uses a shared code base and mySQL database to build simple sites - the trick is to point domains to the correct directory in the system.. I do not require separate accounts for each domain, just the ability to add emails for each.

    I will not be doing anything like reselling, or allowing clients access to login and set-up their own accounts, really I just want a simple, clean and reliable tool which allows me to manage domains correctly.

    currently I achieve this using a .htaccess file on a shared server, but I can see the limitations of this method, plus there are some issues with multiple redirects - I need to avoid these..

    so the question is can I do this with ISPconfig, with Plesk or with any other domain management tool out there?

    thanks very much in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig, Plesk and most other server mananegemt tools require that you put the sites in the folders that the hosting control panel creates, you can not set these to folders that your software creates.

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