How to put a logon password when using internet

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by eric, Jul 13, 2006.

  1. eric

    eric New Member

    hi just wanna ask everybody with my problem actually i have a lot things to ask cuz im a newbie in linux, if just somebody could share some script how to put a logon password everytime user wants to go to internet the structure goes like this "users- must logon with there username and password and user has only limited sites to open which are given by the admin,. supervisors same system they still need to logon with their given username and password but me as an superadmin(me) could easily change his/her access to the internet by not allowing or allow them to full browse, and admin would be given full freedom but still he needs to logon with his/her username and password i hope someone could give ans to my question i know this is not hard for the linux folks thanks a lot
  2. eric

    eric New Member

    anyway im using fedora core 5
  3. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Actually I don't get the point what that has to do with ISPConfig?

    What do you mean by "using the internet" ?
    If you need onyl http / ftp I would do sth. like a squid proxy that authetnicates against an ldap directory.
    Another possibility would be to have a firewall that opens special ports, destinations etc. (maybe defined in an ldap tree) by an authenticated user

    But that depends on you needs, as well as the hard and software you have...

    hth Ben

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