Hi, I have a lot of mail filters in ISPC. The problem is that new ones get added to the top of the chain. How can I reorder them so they get executed when I want them (for example at the very end?)? My current workaround is to prefix all filters with a number (like 10_) and recreate everything from time to time. What is the intended way? Thanks!
Do you know any other / better workarounds? I tried setting up my custom filter and reorder them but somehow I failed in keeping them permenent..
It's been a while since looking at it, but they might be added in the order they were added to the interface, so delete and add again in another order. There is no drag and drop in the ui now, so fixing isn't required some new tools (not "quick" at least for me). Personally I just use sieve, the roundcube sieve editor is pretty good.