how to restore database?

Discussion in 'General' started by tennents, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. tennents

    tennents New Member

    I have a little problem:

    i accidentally deleted some crucial file and the ispconfig box do not start anymore (moving an empty file on .passwd and not vice versa!).

    The problem is not this, because this is a testing server, not my production machine! BUT i had some database that i would like to restore. Now i have connected the hd to my notebook (whith a usb-to-ide cable). it's possible to find and restore the two databases (web7_db1 and web7_db2)? where does the ispconfig's mysql store the databases?

    Thanks a lot!
  2. Snowman

    Snowman Member


    hi try to look to /var/lib/mysql/ and there are mysql dumps :) try to restore than..
    may this will help if i understand what u posted before ..

  3. tennents

    tennents New Member

    ok, i found a lot of .frm files in a directory called as the database was...

    now i'm going to try to recovery the db!

    any hint?

  4. Snowman

    Snowman Member


    google how to restore mysql db or dump from .frm ,i am sure u will find some howto, many there, if not i will post here some steps may
  5. Snowman

    Snowman Member


    only .frm there ? because MySQL will always create a `.frm' file to hold the table and column definitions. The table's index and data will be stored in one or more other files, depending on the table type as i know.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  7. tennents

    tennents New Member

    thanks falko, but unfortunately i don't have dumps, and i do not know how to dump the databases because the server does not start! (actually, it does start, but i could not login because i accidentally deleted the .passwd file!)
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The database files are in /var/lib/mysql.

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