Hi, I have a mail server in ubuntu 10.04. now I want to upgrade my server with suse 12.1. I have configured suse from Here. Now what should I do to restore my mail server in the new machine with suse ?
You can copy your old emails with imapcopy... http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-migrate-mailboxes-between-imap-servers-with-imapcopy ... or IMAP TOOLS: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-migrate-mailboxes-between-imap-servers-with-imap-tools
will it do the work if I copy the vmail from ubuntu and past it in suse, and then take the database backup from phpmyadmin (ubuntu) and import it in suse phpmyadmin ?
Theoretically yes, but I guess a lot of things won't work anymore if you copy your database. For example, SUSE uses a different document root thant Ubuntu (/srv/www instead of /var/www). Personally, I'd advice against using SUSE. ISPConfig is developed on Debian/Ubuntu, so it will work best on these distributions.