How To Run Your Own Name Server With ISPConfig 3 And Fast Hosts

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by asus, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. asus

    asus New Member

    Hey this is a great tutorial, but wanted to know if this can be done with Godaddy and with a single public ip. I thought you need 2 public ip' s to setup your own dns
  2. asus

    asus New Member

    Can anyone help ??? really want to setup my own dns, but only have 1 single public ip.
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Most registrars require you to have at least two nameservers. You can run two nameservers on one IP, but some registrars will check it and won't allow it. I don't know GoDaddy's policy on this, so you will have to ask them or try it out.
  4. asus

    asus New Member

    Ok thanks Falko, Always a help
  5. ThackeG67

    ThackeG67 New Member

    Yup me too I don't also know the procedures of Go daddy but you can check out some other discussions to help you solved your issue with that.

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