How to set remote user for Softaculous as it is now supporting ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by LotNoMore, Apr 11, 2017.

  1. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    After purchasing the ISPconfig PDF manual, I bumped to this today:
    It explains how to get Softaculous work inside ISPconfig. Basically 4 things have to be met...
    1. ionCube Loaders must be enabled - how to check if it has been enabled?
    2. If firewall is enabled, then please allow access to * - how to do this?
    3. suHOSIN must be disabled - how to check if it has been enabled? Don't recall installing it following the installation instructions
    4. Created a Remote User in ISPConfig by going to the System tab and then click Add Remote User on the left - I did but then I see that we need to select a bunch of function options for the remote user. What should I do here? Select any one? Which one? Or none of them?
    I am new to ISPconfig, so please be patient. Thanks!
  2. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    OK, see this in the ISPconfig manual: "Please check all functions that the API user will be allowed to use" - question 4 answered.
  3. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    For questions 2 and its related IPs for, would the following rules are OK?
  4. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    Oh, no!
    After installing iptables-persistent and manually adding the above lines to /etc/iptables/rules.v4 I cannot reboot to the default mode. I am on the emergency mode :-(
    See here...

  5. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    OK, I realize that I should have run iptables -A... on the command line, not to manually add those lines. For IPs entered in /etc/iptables/rules.v4, they all have /32 after the IPs.
    What should I do to be able to get me out of this emergency mode?
  6. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    Here are a few screen captures showing the errors in log:
    Hope these could help anyone who is willing to help.
  7. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    Anyone who can help? I have re-installed ISPconfig many times. Don't want to do it again.
  8. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    Well, just found out that this command should be used to allow access from IP:
    sudo ufw allow from <ip address>
  9. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    As to the server, I have reinstalled using the Cluster format (consisting two servers: a master and a slave).
  10. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    It turns out that Softaculous does not support php7+
  11. LotNoMore

    LotNoMore Member

    Update according to the staff at Softaculous: The soap extension and ioncube were not installed in my PHP binary, the staff had installed both for me and then installed the Softaculous on my server successfully. Now the Softaculous is running properly inside ISPconfig!

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