Hi, in a site using SSL, I want to configure mod_wsgi to serve Django. So I add the following to the "Apache Directives": Code: WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/example.com/django/mysite/wsgi.py WSGIDaemonProcess landwg.de python-path=/var/www/example.com/django:/var/www/example.com/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages WSGIProcessGroup landwg.de <Directory /var/www/example.com/django/mysite> <Files wsgi.py> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Files> </Directory> I have SSL enabled for the site. Now, when I try to restart apache, I get the following error: And indeed, the WSGI daemon definition is included twice. I see two options here: a) Since I want to enforce SSL for this site (haven't figured out how to do that -- is it possible using ispconfig only?), I don't need the WSGI Daemon definition in the Port 80 Vhost. But how could I do that in ispconfig? b) The parameter I give to the WSGIDaemonProcess directive should differ between the port 80 and port 443 vhosts. Is this possible? Any help is greatly appreciated
Allthough this is a very old topic, i have exactly the same problem. Have you found a solution to that yet?
Thanks for the quick reply! Then i can quit on searching a solution for this Looks like i have to set up a separate small vserver for this.
I know this post id awfully old, but I implement a solution for this same problem (WSGIDaemonProcess in ispconfig), and I couldn't find any quick solution available, so I put for my future references. I basically surround WSGIDaemonProcess with an IfDefine that is called only the first time it run. Code: WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/example.com/django/mysite/wsgi.py <IfDefine !WSGIDaemonProcessDefinedlandwg> Define WSGIDaemonProcessDefinedlandwg WSGIDaemonProcess landwg.de python-path=/var/www/example.com/django:/var/www/example.com/pyenv/lib/python2.6/site-packages </IfDefine> WSGIProcessGroup landwg.de <Directory /var/www/example.com/django/mysite> <Files wsgi.py> Order deny,allow Allow from all </Files> </Directory>