How to uninstall Round Cube that ISPConfig is using

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ProgressiveBastion, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. ProgressiveBastion

    ProgressiveBastion New Member

    It seems I made a mistake. I can't login. It was last week when I installed it from the ISPConfig panel. Now I can't get in! I've checked MyPhpAdmin and I can't even find the database. I'm a greenhorn, it's my first linux server distribution that I ran from the perfect setup 4 Ubuntu Drapper Drake/LTS

    I would also like a suggestion on what type of e-mail server application to use. I have 2 domains with 20-30 addresses per domain. Any help or constructive info would be great...

    peace Micahel Scott
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    To uninstall run the following :
    rm -rf /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail
    rm -rf /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/tools/tools/roundcubemail
    rm /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/roundcubemail.tar

    I do not recommend to use RoundCube for a production environment at this moment.
    It is still in developement.
    I had a look at it some time ago and there are still bugs like:

    Settings which are not saved
    Incompatible with some browsers like Opera.
    You see this incompatibility for example when you use the CC or BCC option.
    And unfortunately some other things i do not know.

    Some bugs are fixed already in the developement version already,
    but this bugfixes are not included in the RoundCube version which is available in the package for ISPConfig.

    The userinterface is really nice, but that is it at this moment.
    Matter of time...

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2006
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You mean a webmail interface? I recommend to use the Uebimiau webmail package for ISPConfig that you can download here:
  4. cypriot

    cypriot New Member

    Roundcube with Ispconfig

    We have Ispconfig on a ubuntu server and we have roundcube as web client...

    We want to be able define groups
    and add as many as email Imap accounts into the groups as we want!

    for example
    let say we have 20 different email accounts from different providers (gmail,yahoo,hotmail and also our own email accounts on the server etc)

    Admin group
    we will add the 20 account into this group and we will be able receive and send from each account on 1 page using Roundcube!

    User1 group
    we should be able to have the list of 20 account to choose which ones will be able to use for this group ! so everytime we add new email address we will be able to go into user group settings and add that new account by ticking a box into the group...
    User2 Group
    User3 Group

    and we will be able to add as many as user group we need. and we should be able to clone a group as well which will make it easier to tick to sellect or untick to desellect for some email accounts from the new group etc...

    Extra Features to add on :
    Read Receipt = want the same as Gmail like they did for read receipt.
    Conversation Threat = want the same as Gmail like they did for listing etc

    How and what can you offer using ispcong and roundcube to do this!

    The essentials is that you have to use Ispconfig and Roundcube for this job!

    Maybe you can create a plugin module for Ispconfig that will work together with Roundcube or you will create plugin for roundcube on its own that will work with Ispconfig!! anybody can do this please help , thnx
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which ISPConfig version do you use?
  6. cypriot

    cypriot New Member

    Hi Till,
    Thank you so much for your reply,
    i am using
    Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
    Ispconfig3 Latest

  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Ok, you posted here in a thread about ispconfig 2, thats a completely different software then ispconfig 3. So what you find in this thread does not apply to your server.

    Mailusers are grouped by domain name, there are no additional groups available. If you want to group users in a different way in ispconfig, you might have to extend ispconfig. If you want to do the grpouping in roundcube instaed, you might want to contact the maintainer of the roundcube ispconfig 3 plugin in this thread:
  8. cypriot

    cypriot New Member

    Ohh So sorry didnt noticed that i will post it now into that page, thank you so much for your kind help ..


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