Hello the community, I have a debian server on the last version and updated. Everything is working fine. Small issue, on the last debian th java version is 17 and i need the version 21. I guess i'm not the only one to have this issue so i am sure that people already did it. So what is the best way to do it ? Thanks for your time and your help, Pierrot Ps: if you ask why i need the version 21, the last minecraft java server needs it
Using Internet search engines with Code: How to upgrade a debian server to Java 21 finds as first item https://computingforgeeks.com/install-java-jdk-or-openjdk-21-on-debian/ A bit further in the list is https://www.kernelhost.com/cp/knowledgebase/149/Install-Java-21-on-Debian-12.html
Thank so much @Taleman I did it ant when i switch to the last one, i get this : Code: update-java-alternatives --set /usr/lib/jvm/jdk-21.0.5-oracle-x64 update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for jabswitch update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for jaccessinspector update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for jaccesswalker update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for kinit update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for klist update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for ktab I'm not sure it's a big issue but just asking. Thank you
I do not know what you did. Please show commands and arguments you issued and the results you got, if you expect this forum to be able to help you.