How to use IP6 address

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by pawan, Mar 12, 2020.

  1. pawan

    pawan Member

    my webhost has give me
    IP6 Block as below:
    usable 2604:4300:a:191::2/64
    gateway 2604:4300:a:191::1
    How I can configure the same in ISPCONFIG.
    Also as my mail went to spam in gmail address I find that it says spf failed with IP, so I added the same ip in my spf record and got
    SPF:   PASS with IP 2604:4300:a:191:226:6cff:fef1:dab4
    I am little stuck and couldn't make out how to use this and how to make full address like SPF: PASS with IP 2604:4300:a:191:226:6cff:fef1:dab4
    also how I can check the same is working by ping.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    It's basically the same as with IPv4. You add it to the network configuration files of your Linux system, your server hoster probably provides information on this topic. Afetr you did that, you can add the IPv6 addresses that you want to use under System > server IP in ISPConfig to be able to use it for your websites.

    Regarding email: Ensure that you added a reverse DNS record for the IPv6 address as well, in the same way that you did it for your IPv4 address.
  3. pawan

    pawan Member

    Hi Till,
    1. In ISPCONFIG server ip - it is a dropdown field for selection of either ip4/ip6, will it not overwrite ip4?
    2. Do I need to enter the full IP in server IP i.e. 2604:4300:a:191:226:6cff:fef1:dab4
    3. In server config there is a field - IPv6 Prefix, what I need to enter in there.
    4. Do I need to add the ip6 in /etc/hosts as well.
    5. which IP should I ask for updation for rdns/ptr to the host. will it be same as - 2604:4300:a:191:226:6cff:fef1:dab4
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2020
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    IPv6 does not overwrite an IPv4 IP, you must anter the full address that you want to use under System > server IP.
    pawan likes this.
  5. pawan

    pawan Member

    Thanks Till,
    I was missing the obvious. what I was trying to do, is trying to update the existing record, whereas I need to click on "Add New IP Address".
    Now it's working fine.

    But when I check the browser console, I can see still the requests are being sent to ipv4 only.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's ok. Adding an IPv6 address does not mean that users can not use IPv4 anymore and most of the traffic will still come from IPv4. Beside that, you must add IPv6 DNS records AAAA Records) for domains and subdomains that shall be accessible trough IPv6 as well, without that, the browsers will use IPv4 only.

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