How to use ISPConfig with eBox in Ubuntu?

Discussion in 'General' started by VMartins, Nov 3, 2006.

  1. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

    falko, I try this steps, but not work...

    I will wait for the new version of Debian, to build a new version of my Server. In this version I will try eBox+ISPConfig. I post here my results.

    Thanks again falko.

  4. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

    I had problem with this packets:
    ebox-printers - Dependencie: libnet-cups-perl
    ebox-software - Dependencie: esofttool

    I tried put the warty in sources.list, but nothing happend.

    Thanks for any help,

    Sao Paulo - Brasil
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The tutorial is for Debian, not Ubuntu. The eBox packages are also for Debian. So it's possible they don't work on Ubuntu. :(
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2006
  6. k6lor

    k6lor New Member

    Been down this road before - I'm actually doing a floppy network install of Debian rather than trying to fight it out with Ubuntu...

    A lot of ebox-dns & ebox-logs errors (no installation candidate)

    If you go thru the list of dependencies, it won't install because it shows the ubuntu variant will be installed.

    It was just easier for me to migrate from Ubuntu to Debian as most of the commands are identical anyways :)

    I'll let you know how it goes - 5 floppies took about 10 minutes to create, another 15 mins for the installer to get online then about 2 hours to download the packages on 2 servers sharing a 7 megabit backbone...
  7. VMartins

    VMartins New Member

    In the beta version of Ubuntu Server (7.10 GutsyGibbon - Tribe 5 ) the eBox was included.

    I like the solution and the justification (see the link).



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