Changes in like smtp unix - - - - - smtp ......-o smtp_bind_address= # When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops relay unix - - - - - smtp ......-o smtp_bind_address= ......-o smtp_fallback_relay= or are not successful Error (lost connection with[] while receiving the initial server greeting) Thanks (ISPC; CentOS 6.5 64bit )
The solution from faqforge is the riht direction. Yu will just have to tell amavisd to accept email from IP as well and not just from localhost. Try to add: @inet_acl = qw( [::1] ); $inet_socket_bind = undef; in /etc/amavis/conf.d/50-user and restart amavis then.
sorry, there is no /etc/amavis folder, only /etc/amavisd without conf.d folder if i create conf.d folder and the file 50-user under /etc/amavisd/conf.d or create the full path /etc/amavis/conf.d folder and the file, restart amavisd and postfix, both changes wasn´t successful. i got always the message (lost connection with[] while receiving the initial server greeting)
The folders I mentioned are for debian and ubuntu only. If you use a different distribution, then you might have to edit the amavisd.conf file directly.
Yes, thanks i think i have to change $notify_method = 'smtp:[]:20025'; $forward_method = 'smtp:[]:20025'; (example) in amavisd.conf looks easy ;-)