Howto integrate SSL Proxy Feature into ISPConfig 3?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Master One, Jun 11, 2009.

  1. Master One

    Master One New Member

    I already posted about that matter in 2008 for ISPConfig 2 here.

    Has that feature been incorporated in ISPConfig 3?

    As I guess not, is the shown solution still valid for ISPConfig 3?

    A SSL Proxy is must-have feature, because I want to pay only for one normal SSL certificate, and use that one on https://ssl.masterdomain.tld, so that all other hosted sites can be accessed by https://ssl.masterdomain.tld/hosteddomain.tld/, instead of having to pay for a wildcard cert or multiple individual certs.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer



    If its a must have for you, feel free to implement it.
  3. Master One

    Master One New Member

    I would, if I could.

    till, you yourself found this feature useful, and added it as feature request to the bugtracker in March 2008. It seems to be common setup at ISPs, any ISP I've used so far offered such a shared SSL.

    So if the shown solution for ISPConfig 2 does not work any more with ISPConfig 3, any idea how this one could be solved? I am willing to play around with it, once I have my machine up and running, but if it is too complicated to do, I guess I've to pass on that must-have.
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2009
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I never needed it as I use dedicated IP's and certificates for SSL sites. I added it to the bugtracker only because a user requested it.
  5. Master One

    Master One New Member

    Nevertheless, can you please tell me, why the shown solution for ISPConfig 2 does not work any more with ISPConfig 3?
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig 2 and 3 are two completely differnt software packages, so guides or extensions written for ispconfig 2 are not working on ispconfig 3. Rewrite proxy will work somehow on ispconfig 3 too of course but you will have to dig a bit deeper inro the configuration of the vhosts to see how it can be integrated.
  7. Master One

    Master One New Member

    Ok, I will look into it, once I have it up and running. I didn't expect that feature to be problem concerning the ISPConfig 2 / 3 differences, because your directions were:
    which means, it should not interfere with the vhosts configuration.

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