Howto make scripts

Discussion in 'General' started by sunebeermann, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. sunebeermann

    sunebeermann New Member

    Hey all.

    I would really like to be able to make some scripts that will give my custemors the abillity to make an auto install of some webapplications.

    So when they go to tools i the backend of the ispconfig, they would have the option of Install web application That could bee Joomla, Smf, Drupal, TYPO3, etc.... So when they press the button Joomla, it will then extract joomle to that users page, so when he walks to his page he will se the installation page of joomla, and then if he wants to install the SMF forum after that he would be able to click the smf button and the SMF will extract to his webpage but he should also be able to deside what subdirectori he would like to put the application into.

    I dont know if any of you have made this before, but i saw this option in a control panel called Z-Panel and think its cool.

    do you know how to do this?

  2. djtremors

    djtremors New Member

    This is possible and something I've been looking into (Joomla atm). The only thing would be that I'd need help from the other developers as I'm still not all up to scratch with how the database of ispconfig is linked etc as the best way for a client would be to have 1 click and it auto creates the database as well.

    I could do the joomla install part which will extract, chmod and get the client to the part where it asks the typical joomla setup questions but if I could figure out ispconfigs DB, I could also make it enter most of the configurations straight into the configuration.php file it needs.

    I might take a look at it some time soon for at least Joomla, there are some special checks that i have to consider (ie. is it already installed, don't overwrite it,etc) and so on.
  3. sunebeermann

    sunebeermann New Member


    It would be cool to have it do the most of the config automatic, but all i really need for starters is it to copy the zip / tar.gz file at place it in the folde i specifi and extract it. the rest would be okay to do manualy, i manually create databases via phpmyadmin, because i really hate that ispconfig by default creates ( web9_db1 ) and not the hostname as database for the database name would be example_com and the user would then be istead of web9_u1 that really annoy my, is there any way of doing it differently?

  4. mlz

    mlz Member

    We're also working on some ideas with this. What are plan is, it to separate our users from the actual ISPC panel, and use the remote framework for setting up a new client. Here they will choose applications they wish to use.

    Now, don't get me wrong, I love the panel, as do my resellers, but we hate the user side, since it ends up taking a lot of hand holding to get users up to snuff. Because of this, we're working on making a user control panel to our specs that calls the remoting framework to do the "real" work.

    Now if there was a way to make the RF work with the stable branch, I'd be a happy guy.

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