HOWTO remove a buggy kernel?

Discussion in 'Kernel Questions' started by wesselch, Mar 18, 2007.

  1. wesselch

    wesselch New Member


    I got Falko's 'How to Compile a Kernel - The Fedora Way' from here and follow it very close. The guide is absolutly helpful and easy to understand.

    After finishing the compilation (on a 586MMC 200Mhz and 256MB RAM) the first kernel is not able to boot, I did a mistake during the configuration (I selected a 686 CPU instead of 586MMC). And now I have a inusable kernel, ramdisk, etc.

    The question now is how to remove that? Is it just to delete the kernel file (vmlinuz*), the ramdisk file (system*) and the *.img file? Or are their additional thing to modify?

    BTW, I tried to configured by menuconfig, but it failed due to an error of undefined variables during the startup of 'make menuconfig'.

    There is a live after Windows, christian
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I'd remove the vmlinuz and the .img file. Also, there should be a directory for your buggy kernel in /lib/modules/.... You can remove that, too.

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