HowTo setup DNS for ISPConfig name servers and dns zones requirements

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by franck63, Oct 9, 2013.

  1. franck63

    franck63 New Member

    Hello There,

    First and foremost, "ISPConfig3", thank you guys for this awesome product
    And also thank you Falko for this awesome howto (The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (nginx, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3))

    I followed the tutorial and I'm happy to say my first ISPConfig is running with all systems online.

    My goal is to have an internal webserver to provide a platform to develop and prototype my customer’s web sites
    I want to implement internal subdomains, of my external public domain, for any or all of my customers.
    I want to implement split-brain DNS for security purpose
    I also want to protect access to my other servers using OpenVPN especialy my NX and Windows rdp

    My setup is like this:
    (The Perfect Server - CentOS 6.4 x86_64 (nginx, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)) virtualized on Xenserver 6.2
    Running in a Windows Active Directory Domain (providing DHCP / DNS / AD) environment

    The IPSConfig server is integrated in AD with PowerBroker open (tested and working)
    It's name is say on static ip

    The AD domain is lets say
    It's name is say (also on xen) static ip

    My ISP is giving me a DHCP ip also
    My router is pfSense 2.1 lan IP

    1- First I'd like your insight to help me to validate this setup.
    2- Considering that my router’s public ip is dynamic
    a.) Is it possible to publish my servers ip without dynamic dns​
    b.) How should I setup my external dns services as to meet ISPConfig name servers requirements.​

    Any help or comments is welcome and much appreciated.
    This post
    Best Regards


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