Hi, http://htb-tools.arny.ro/news.php http://ubuntu.com/ http://www.rns-nis.co.yu/~mps/linux-tc.html http://webhtb.sourceforge.net/ http://lartc.org/howto/ http://linux-ip.net/articles/Traffic-Control-HOWTO/ http://linuxreviews.org/man/tc/ or other bandwidth managemet software - WebHtb is a very simple, FREE web interface, built in PHP, simple Java Script, Ajax, and MySQL, fated to HTB-tools. - HTB-tools is a software suite with several tools that help simplify the difficult process of bandwidth allocation, for both upload and download traffic: generate and check configuration files, real time traffic overview for each separate client.Features: * bandwidth limitation using public IP addresses, using the two configuration files for upload and download * bandwidth limitation using private IP addresses (SNAT), using a single configuration file * match mark * match mark in u32 * metropolitan/external limitation Note: it necessary to recompile kernel on ubuntu.