.htaccess gives Internal Server Error

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by robertlouwen, May 7, 2009.

  1. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    Perfect Server Fedora 10 ispconfig 3.

    With an empty .htaccess file in /var/www/clients/client1/web1/www shows the ispconfig index.html.
    When i replace it with an other .htaccess file it shows page 500 ( Internal Server Error )

    Anyone ???

    With respect, Robert

    Attached Files:

  2. oncletom

    oncletom New Member

    It's because the default AllowOverride in Vhost does not contain the rule enabling .htaccess. It is concerned by the "FileInfo" directive.

    In the next update of ISPConfig it will be added by default (as far as I have seen).
    Personnally I've enabled it in the master configuration file (/usr/local/ispconfig/server/conf/vhost.conf.master), then saved again the Vhost in ISPConfig. The FileInfo directive was then added to this Vhost.
  3. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    yes! that's both the truth. the next update (currently in beta-state) will add the FileInfo to the Vhost!
  4. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Uncle Tom

    Thank you for you answer, I understand I have to vi-edit vhost.conf.master but when I open this file in vi I don't see "AllowOverride ... FileInfo", there are a few "AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit" and a few "AllowOverride None".
    Can you please be a little more specific where what to add or remove ?

    After saving vhost.conf.master I point my browser to http://myserver.nl:8080 and then I save all the client websites.
    Did I understand that part correctly ?

    With respect Robert
  5. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    Add FileInfo after

    AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit
    so that you can see

    AllowOverride Indexes AuthConfig Limit FileInfo
    (its 2 times in the text)

    then log in to ISPC3 and go to "sites". open your Site for editing and change "something". then click save and wait 1 minute...
  6. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ vogelor

    Thank you for your answer.
    First I vi edit the file at two places, rebooted, changed "something" in ISPConfig panel, waited and again internal server error.

    Second time I vi edit the file at four places ( also SSL VHost ), rebooted, changed "something" in ISPConfig panel, waited and again internal server error.

    So Maybe it is another, bigger problem, maybe format c: and start over is a solution

    With respect, Robert
  7. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    NO! IS NOT!

    open your .htacces and comment out EVERY line.

    Then open your site.

    Then remove one comment after the other and open your site again. by doing this, you can see, which line (command) produces the error.
    it is not allowed to write everything inside the .htaccess

    then report here, which command is the problem

  8. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    @ Vogelor,

    Thank you for your time and effort !
    I found out about this error when I tryed to setup joomla It returned an error about session.save_path and I googled for an solution and that is supposed to be a line in .htaccess But it was not.

    Then I tried to setup an other script with an .htaccess file but the server error still occured.

    I think it is a hell of a good idea from you to try and error and so eliminate the evil line in .htaccess

    I start right now and will report later today

    With respect, Robert
  9. robertlouwen

    robertlouwen New Member

    Re. .htaccess gives internal server error

    @ Vogelor

    With all lines commented out there is no server error and there is no content only a white page.

    So I start un-commenting lines one by one.
    There is only one line that I can leave un-commented all the other ones give the error

    The htaccess.txt is the .htaccess file I have uploaded to my server the other text file is the original .htaccess ( duh )

    The line I left un-commented is "DirectoryIndex index.php.

    One other thing I don't think I need the php4 blocks as my server is Fedora 10 with ISPConfig 3 ( that comes with php 5.2.6 )

    With respect, Robert

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