httpd.conf not ok!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by m u r, Jul 28, 2005.

  1. m u r

    m u r Member

    I am new to this whole thing, but I followed this tutorial to set up a server:

    the installation of ISPConfig was doing just fine until the very end when it checks to see if all the packages are installed. I get the following error -- can anyone help?

    ERROR: The syntax of your httpd.conf is not ok! Please correct the error. The installation routine stops here!

    Much obliged.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    httpd -t
    to check the syntax of your httpd.conf. You should then get a message telling you what's wrong.
    Is your Apache running right now? I guess not because of the errors in httpd.conf...
  3. Tribal-Dolphin

    Tribal-Dolphin New Member

    Debian 3.1

    Some errors with Debian Sarge.

    If we install apache package or apache2 package we have an error "The syntax of your httpd.conf is not ok!"

    The command httpd -t don't work BUT apache -t OR apache2 -t work and the result is Syntax OK.

    I think there is an error in setup2. It test only httpd and stop on error. It don't test apache or apache2 command.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Before the setup2 scripts performs the httpd -t check, ISPConfig creates a symlink "httpd" that
    points to apache or apache2 on debian, depending on what is installed.

    Is the symlink "/usr/bin/httpd" created correctly by the ISPConfig setup setup2 script (line 534- 561)?

    Last edited: Jul 28, 2005
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's not correct. setup2 checks if there is a httpd, httpd2, apache or apache2, and creates a symlink called httpd if necessary:

      echo "########## WEB SERVER ##########"
      which httpd > /dev/null
      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        which apache > /dev/null
        if [ $? == 0 ]; then
          ln -s `which apache` /usr/bin/httpd
        which apache2 > /dev/null
        if [ $? == 0 ]; then
          ln -s `which apache2` /usr/bin/httpd
      echo $q_httpd_check
      which httpd
      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        which httpd2
        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
          error "httpd not found!";
          ln -s `which httpd2` /usr/sbin/httpd
          echo OK
        log "httpd found: `which httpd`"
        echo OK
    fi  ## install_art == install
      echo $q_httpd_syntax_check
      httpd -t
      if [ $? != 0 ]; then
        error "$q_httpd_syntax_check_not_ok";
      echo $q_httpd_syntax_check_ok
      log "httpd syntax ok!"
    After the installation, you should have a program "httpd", be it a binary or a symlink to httpd2, apache or apache2. You can check with

    ls -l `which httpd`
  6. Tribal-Dolphin

    Tribal-Dolphin New Member

    I test 3 times today, he don't create it. I've always this error after accept the license :

    ./setup2: line 617: httpd: command not found

    Near this line, i see the ligne where the symlink is created but it doesn't :(
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Have you run the ISPConfig setup as root user?
    Can you create the symlink manually and try to run the ISPConfig install script again?
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2005
  8. Tribal-Dolphin

    Tribal-Dolphin New Member

    Yes, I run the ISPConfig setup as root

    I will reinstall my debian sarge box with this howto tonight and i retest the installation.
  9. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I test 3 times today, he don't create it. I've always this error after accept the license :
    ./setup2: line 617: httpd: command not found
    Near this line, i see the ligne where the symlink is created but it doesn't 
    Is httpd, httpd2, apache or apache2 located in your PATH? Run
    echo $PATH
    to see what your path is.

    Then run
    which httpd
    which httpd2
    which apache
    which apache2
    to see if any of these programs is in your path.
  10. Tribal-Dolphin

    Tribal-Dolphin New Member


    You find the error.
    The path was'nt in $PATH.

    Thanks a lot.
  11. mafak

    mafak New Member

    it maybe caused by a broken httpd link already present

    so try :

    rm usr/bin/httpd
    and try the install again

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