https for ISPCOnfig login

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by tlove, Mar 5, 2022.

  1. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    ISPConfig is installed on a server works fine to login to ISPConfig securely.
    However, returns the insecure which allows login to ISPConfig
    Also instead of ISPConfig's Letsencrypt cert uses the Letsencrypt certificate of
    Everything seems set up correctly in ISPConfig in terms of SSH and Letsencrypt.
    Obviously I've set up something wrong and I'd welcome any pointers.
  2. Th0m

    Th0m ISPConfig Developer Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    What you describe above shows that your system works exactly as it should work, all URL's except of (which is the hostname of your server) shall return an error when you try to use them to login to ISPConfig as the only URL for ISPConfig is the server hostname on port 8080. So the only mistake you made is typing in instead of in your browser to access ISPConfig.
  4. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you Till and Th0m. The problem I have is a client who forgets the 'mail' bit. Is here a way within ISPConfig to automatically redirect to while leaving without any redirect?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This would probably require a wildcard (or multidomain) ssl certificate for the ispconfig vhost which contains mail.domain.tld and domain.tld. This would also allow to use domain.tld directly for accessing ISPConfig, so no redirect is needed anymore. But you might have to manage that SSL cert manually then or it might be that adding a website domain.tld with subdomain mail.domain.tld in ispconfig and using the SSL cert of that site for ISPConfig might work too.

    Another approach might be to set a server name in the ispconfig vhost so it will listen to mail.domain.tld only and then add a second vhost manually for domain.tld with a valid SSL cert for domain.tld which redirects all requests to mail.domain.tld.
  6. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thank you Till, that makes sense. An underlying concern has been avoiding a loop with the vhost references for being defined both inside and outside ISPConfig and locking the server. I'll (carefully) work through the options you suggested.
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  8. tlove

    tlove Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Thanks Till (and Thom) that looks helpful

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