Huge loads

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by Chip, Mar 9, 2008.

  1. Chip

    Chip New Member

    My server sometimes has huge loads that I think are generated by apache, but I can't explain why, it started 2 days ago to be more noticeable but from time to time I already had the server stalling

    It can go to a server load of 1.xx to 90.xx, and then back again.

    I am running a forum (vbulletin) on this machine, nothing else, on busy hours I have up to 2000 users online, but server stalls sometimes even in non-busy hours.

    Also apache is generating huge logs and I don't seem to be able to prevent that (using ISPConfig).

    What kind of optimisations can i do to apache and mysql to make it run smoothly?

    Should I upgrade apache and mysql? I only upgrade by doing yum update, but that is not upgrading my mysql and apache to the latest versions.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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