hyphenated email adresses do not work

Discussion in 'General' started by pss7, May 15, 2007.


hyphen in a email adress

  1. works

  2. doesn't work ;)

    0 vote(s)
  1. pss7

    pss7 New Member

    [solved] hyphenated email adresses do not work

    I tried to create email adresses like [email protected] -> they do not work,
    hyphen within email adress aliases seem not to work, too

    I use ISPConfig 2.2.11 on a debian box.

    can somebody confirm this issue?

    Last edited: May 15, 2007
  2. mtuser

    mtuser New Member

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    These amail addresses work for me too and they ahd worked in prior ISPConfig versions as well for me. There had be no bug related with this since ISPConfig 1.0 that I'am aware of.

    Please post the exact lines of these email addresses from your virtusertable file.
  4. pss7

    pss7 New Member

    in my first try I had hypens in the username

    like web99_test-2 email: [email protected]
    deleting this user via the web interface did not delete the entries in the Table isp_isp_user.

    after solving this issue (and removing the "-" in teh username) it seems to work.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I hope you did not delete the user in isp_isp_user manually as this corrupts the database. You must empty the recycle bin! Users are stored in isp_isp_user until they are removed from recycle bin.

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