I can't reach ispconfig with SSL (using autoinstaller) and my DNS never work :'(

Discussion in 'General' started by I hate cPanel, May 3, 2024.

  1. I hate cPanel

    I hate cPanel New Member

    this panel/SW GUI is great!, many thanks community.

    I install many times ISPConfig in DEBIAN 12,
    but ever I have two problems:

    1// https:// ip :8080 load fine but never is SSL
    2// using "DNS Zone Wizard" I was create the zone DNS (is easy!) however HOSTNAME, myweb.com and "new sites" never load...

    my requirement is DEBIAN 12, I can't use UBUNTU.

    for obtain a good work from my DNS, it is necessary FIRST edit some file into server?

    my file /etc/hostname is fixed:
    root@clock:~# cat /etc/hostname
    also my hostname is fixed:
    root@clock:~# hostname -f
    thanks by any help.

  2. I hate cPanel

    I hate cPanel New Member

    when I do click in "Monitor" from PANEL, I obtain this output:
    Server: clock.mydomain.com (Debian Bullseye) ISPConfig 3.2.11p2
    State: ok (0 unknown, 0 info, 0 warning, 0 critical, 0 error)
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The server hostname must be a subdomain, and it must exist in DNS (as described in the installation tutorial) and there must be a DNS A-Record pointing to the IP address of your server for the hostname. Double-check that. Let's encrypt will not issue a cert otherwise. You can recreate the cert by running:

    ispconfig_update.sh --force

    and choose to recreate the cert during update. Post the full output you get during update on the shell.

    Beside creating a DNS zone, your server must be the authoritative DNS server for that domain. So you must set your ISPConfig system as the primary DNS server in the domain registry where you registered the domain name. See also:


    ahrasis likes this.
  4. I hate cPanel

    I hate cPanel New Member

    thanks master.

    I config this IP from many days back in registrar domain, also I have the two DNS propagated over the same IP of server from many days back.

    In your LINK I see they use "SOA" into panel DNS:


    but my panel NOT include the option SOA: pasteboard.co /qi4Ha7szAzwq.png

    maybe my web and my hostname NOT LOAD because my ZONE DNS not have "SOA" ???
    is necessary SOA for a correct DNS setup ?

    I can send by MP my address IP + domain, then you can diagnostic where is the problem in this setup ISPConfig DNS ?

  5. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    If you access the host with IP-number, it can never be SSL certified. It works only for hostnames. Use https://clock.mydomain.com:8080/ and it works. If DNS is not yet working, use this: https://www.faqforge.com/windows/how-to-access-a-namebased-website-without-a-dns-record/
    but without DNS working you can not get certificate from Let's Encrypt. Self-signed certificate does work, though.
    I did not understand what you meant by
    Did you miss checking both the records tab and zone settings tabs in the DNS zone? Anyway, Start of Authority or SOA setting should be made automatically by ISPConfig, so that part should be OK.
    You should first follow the troubleshooting instructions in the Tutorial. Check your zone with named-checkzone and the web tools suggested.

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