I love ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by rafael-ec, Aug 9, 2007.

  1. rafael-ec

    rafael-ec New Member

    Until now I have only post asking for help or answering one or two easy questions. I think I must thank all the ispconfig team for the great work.

    There are a lot of thinks I love about ispconfig
    • Is Free Software (libre)
    • It has a great support in this forum and I mean great. I had the support specially from Till, but from what I read in the other posts falko does a great job too
    • ISPConfig is multi distro
    • It can upgrade my system with yum or apt and ispconfig keeps working find. I use to use ensim and with this software upgrading the system was something scarring.
    • I feel I can have control of my system and ISPConfig helps to do so, It does not get on my way.

    There ara a few things I think ISPConfig can improve, but that would be another post ;)

    Thanks an congratulation to the ISPConfig team.


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