i need Help!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tads, Apr 30, 2009.

  1. tads

    tads New Member

    hey guys i am new here.
    i am trying to change my server into CENTOS 5 i tried to install the OS in my PC first...i could do it successfully. But when i looked for internet connection it is not working. previously when i was using windows in the same PC it was working.
    if it becomes successful then i am planning to install centOS or linux mint in all the computers in Lab. I have 3 LAbs each has got 45 each computers... so if i can do it successfully this time then i think i can be comfortable. I am system Admin in a College.
    i also planning to form a small group to help popularise linux in my college....

    so please help me get hand on my first try....
  2. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    During the installation you choose either to use DHCP or manual network configuration which did u choose ?
  3. tads

    tads New Member


    during the installation i didnt come across the the Choice you have mentioned.
    but I use DHCP server.
    if you dont mind can you mention me how to do manual connection.

    i woiuld like to ask if we are using Dhcp server then all the terminal connected in the LAN will get ip right?
    but in the PC where i have installed CentOS 5...when i do ifconfig it gives the following thing:
    lo link encap: Local loopback
    inet addr: mask:
    inet6 addr : ::1/128 Scope:host
    Up LOOPBACK RUNNING MTU:16436 Mertic:1
    TX packet:420 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0

    thats all. so if you can figure out something from here...it would be great help for me.
  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    it seems like your nic is not being recognized, what is the output of
     ifconfig eth0
    If you see an interface then you can configure it by editing /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 set the option
  5. tads

    tads New Member


    ok when i did ifconfig eth0..
    it gave the out put saying that Device not Found.
    so please can you help me getting it done.
    it would be great help if you could give me steps by step method to get this problem done.

    thank you in advance.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It seems as if CentOS 5 doesn't support your ethernet card.
  7. tads

    tads New Member

    hi falko

    i doubted that too. but problem is that you have made me more confused because i couldn't get any help from your links.
    hi man....it would be of great help if you could give me solution here in this blog.
    please can you help me here.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's probably no solution (unless you build your own kernel which is for advanced users only).

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