Hello I have been running TPS FC4 setup for a long time as web/mail/dns server. Now I need to reinstall, and move all to newer version as its outdated, and I have had exploits run on my server. What I`m locking for now is to separate the servers, one web server, one mail server and one dns. But I need some help planing this. I have been using ISPConfig, and I`m planing on continuing. How can I split the mail users to one server, and the webs to another? How do I get the right permissions on all the backup files when they are put on the new server?
I'll guess You will have to wait for ISPConfig 3 to split servers. To make a backup with file/directory permissions and owners use: Code: tar -pczf backup.tar.gz backup Also this thread can be of help: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2717