I'm dying!

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by m u r, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. m u r

    m u r Member

    I am trying to upgrade from ISPConfig 2.0 to 2.2.6. Using ssh I did the following:

    cd /home/rmoore/Desktop
    wget http://umn.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ispconfig/ISPConfig-2.2.6.tar.gz
    tar xvfz ISPConfig*.tar.gz
    cd install_ispconfig

    I have done this once before on the box itself and didn't have any problems. This time I got the following error and I'm really worried:
    ERROR: the required HTML::Parser (version 3.24) module is not installed.
      Version 3.31 or later is recommended.
      HTML is used for an ever-increasing amount of email so this dependency
      is unavoidable.  Run "perldoc -q html" for additional information.
    NOTE: the optional DB_File module is not installed.
      Used to store data on-disk, for the Bayes-style logic and
      auto-whitelist.  *Much* more efficient than the other standard Perl
      database packages.  Strongly recommended.
    NOTE: the optional Net::DNS (version 0.34) module is not installed.
      Used for all DNS-based tests (SBL, XBL, SpamCop, DSBL, etc.),
      perform MX checks, and is also used when manually reporting spam to
      SpamCop.  Recommended.
      If this is installed and you are using network tests of any variety
      (which is the default), then you need to make sure the Net::DNS
      version is sufficiently up-to-date:
      - version 0.34 or higher on Unix systems
      - version 0.46 or higher on Windows systems
    NOTE: the optional Mail::SPF::Query module is not installed.
      Used to check DNS Sender Policy Framework (SPF) records to fight email
      address forgery and make it easier to identify spams.
    NOTE: the optional IP::Country module is not installed.
      Used by the RelayCountry plugin (not enabled by default) to determine
      the domain country codes of each relay in the path of an email.
    NOTE: the optional Razor2 (version 2.61) module is not installed.
      Used to check message signatures against Vipul's Razor collaborative
      filtering network. Razor has a large number of dependencies on CPAN
      modules. Feel free to skip installing it, if this makes you nervous;
      SpamAssassin will still work well without it.
      More info on installing and using Razor can be found
      at http://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/InstallingRazor .
    NOTE: the optional Net::Ident module is not installed.
      If you plan to use the --auth-ident option to spamd, you will need
      to install this module.
    NOTE: the optional IO::Socket::INET6 module is not installed.
      This is required if the first nameserver listed in your IP
      configuration or /etc/resolv.conf file is available only via
      an IPv6 address.
    NOTE: the optional IO::Socket::SSL module is not installed.
      If you wish to use SSL encryption to communicate between spamc and
      spamd (the --ssl option to spamd), you need to install this
      module. (You will need the OpenSSL libraries and use the
      ENABLE_SSL="yes" argument to Makefile.PL to build and run an SSL
      compatibile spamc.)
    NOTE: the optional Archive::Tar module is not installed.
      The "sa-update" script requires this module to access tar update
      archive files.
    NOTE: the optional IO::Zlib module is not installed.
      The "sa-update" script requires this module to access compressed
      update archive files.
    REQUIRED module missing: HTML::Parser
    optional module missing: DB_File
    optional module missing: Net::DNS
    optional module missing: Mail::SPF::Query
    optional module missing: IP::Country
    optional module missing: Razor2
    optional module missing: Net::Ident
    optional module missing: IO::Socket::INET6
    optional module missing: IO::Socket::SSL
    optional module missing: Archive::Tar
    optional module missing: IO::Zlib
    warning: some functionality may not be available,
    please read the above report before continuing!
    ERROR: Could not configure SpamAssassin
    cd: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/aps.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/spamassassin.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/uudeview.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/clamav.tar.gz': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/cronolog': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/cronosplit': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/ispconfig_tcpserver': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/zip': No such file or directory
    mv: cannot stat `binaries/unzip': No such file or directory
    tar: spamassassin.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    mv: cannot stat `spamassassin': No such file or directory
    tar: uudeview.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    mv: cannot stat `uudeview': No such file or directory
    tar: clamav.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    mv: cannot stat `clamav': No such file or directory
    tar: aps.tar.gz: Cannot open: No such file or directory
    tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
    tar: Child returned status 2
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    ./setup2: line 816: ispconfig_tmp/php/bin/php: No such file or directory
    ERROR: The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here!
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    The required HTML::parser Perl module is missing. Did you install that system using one of the Perfect Setups from HowtoForge? Because these tutorials install all needed Perl modules.
  3. m u r

    m u r Member

    Yes, for SuSe 9.2. It was last year, though. I set it up and updated it to ISPConfig 2.0.7 with no problems. Then, with this update, I got the error.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please restore the backup from /tmp, then run the following steps to update your perl installation and then unpack and run the ispconfig installer again.

  5. m u r

    m u r Member

    The only files in the /tmp folder are nine months old from a past upgrade. It didn't backup files from this upgrade attempt. Perhaps because I tried upgrading twice.

    The date I tried to upgrade was 08_31_06 . . .

    /tmp # ls
    .              .shtool.13389  .shtool.6181
    ..             .shtool.13415  .shtool.6207
    .ICE-unix      .shtool.13441  .shtool.6233
    .X0-lock       .shtool.13467  .shtool.6259
    .X11-unix      .shtool.13493  .shtool.6285
    .shtool.10768  .shtool.13519  .shtool.6311
    .shtool.10794  .shtool.13545  .shtool.6337
    .shtool.10827  .shtool.13571  .shtool.6363
    .shtool.10855  .shtool.13597  .shtool.6389
    .shtool.10885  .shtool.13623  .shtool.6415
    .shtool.10913  .shtool.13649  .shtool.6441
    .shtool.10939  .shtool.13675  .shtool.6467
    .shtool.10965  .shtool.19996  .shtool.6493
    .shtool.10992  .shtool.20022  .shtool.6519
    .shtool.11018  .shtool.20048  .shtool.6571
    .shtool.11044  .shtool.20074  .shtool.6597
    .shtool.11070  .shtool.20100  .shtool.6623
    .shtool.11071  .shtool.20126  .shtool.7933
    .shtool.11096  .shtool.20152  .shtool.7959
    .shtool.11097  .shtool.20178  .shtool.7985
    .shtool.11122  .shtool.20204  .shtool.8011
    .shtool.11123  .shtool.20230  .shtool.8037
    .shtool.11148  .shtool.20256  .shtool.8063
    .shtool.11149  .shtool.20282  .shtool.8089
    .shtool.11174  .shtool.20308  .shtool.8115
    .shtool.11175  .shtool.20334  .shtool.8141
    .shtool.11200  .shtool.20360  .shtool.8167
    .shtool.11201  .shtool.20386  .shtool.8193
    .shtool.11226  .shtool.20412  .shtool.8219
    .shtool.11227  .shtool.20438  .shtool.8245
    .shtool.11253  .shtool.26148  .shtool.8271
    .shtool.11279  .shtool.26174  .shtool.8297
    .shtool.11305  .shtool.26200  .shtool.8323
    .shtool.11331  .shtool.26226  .shtool.8349
    .shtool.11357  .shtool.26252  .shtool.8375
    .shtool.11383  .shtool.26278  .shtool.8880
    .shtool.11409  .shtool.26304  .shtool.8906
    .shtool.11435  .shtool.26330  .shtool.8932
    .shtool.11461  .shtool.26356  .shtool.8958
    .shtool.11487  .shtool.26382  .shtool.8984
    .shtool.11513  .shtool.26408  .shtool.9010
    .shtool.11634  .shtool.26434  .shtool.9036
    .shtool.11660  .shtool.26460  .shtool.9062
    .shtool.11686  .shtool.26486  .shtool.9088
    .shtool.11712  .shtool.26512  .shtool.9114
    .shtool.11738  .shtool.26538  .shtool.9144
    .shtool.11764  .shtool.26564  .shtool.9170
    .shtool.11790  .shtool.26793  .shtool.9196
    .shtool.11816  .shtool.26819  .shtool.9222
    .shtool.11842  .shtool.26845  .shtool.9248
    .shtool.11868  .shtool.26871  .shtool.9274
    .shtool.11894  .shtool.26897  .shtool.9300
    .shtool.11920  .shtool.26923  .shtool.9326
    .shtool.11946  .shtool.26949  0245293845
    .shtool.11972  .shtool.26975  0700540563
    .shtool.11998  .shtool.27001  1258388954
    .shtool.12024  .shtool.27027  1422060579
    .shtool.12050  .shtool.27053  1543808506
    .shtool.12076  .shtool.27079  1668625754
    .shtool.12555  .shtool.27105  1815989296
    .shtool.12581  .shtool.27131  1972462927
    .shtool.12607  .shtool.27157  existing_db_08_17_2005__16_06_38.sql
    .shtool.12633  .shtool.27183  existing_db_12_28_2005__10_24_36.sql
    .shtool.12659  .shtool.27209  gconfd-root
    .shtool.12685  .shtool.27235  gpg-9sGZN1
    .shtool.12711  .shtool.27647  gpg-KkTfEg
    .shtool.12737  .shtool.27673  gpg-ToE6hU
    .shtool.12763  .shtool.27699  gpg-VFP1bj
    .shtool.12789  .shtool.27725  gpg-ply2Y5
    .shtool.12815  .shtool.27751  home_admispconfig_08_17_2005__16_06_38.tar.gz
    .shtool.12841  .shtool.27777  home_admispconfig_12_28_2005__10_24_36.tar.gz
    .shtool.12867  .shtool.27803  hsperfdata_root
    .shtool.12893  .shtool.27829  kde-rmoore
    .shtool.12919  .shtool.27855  kde-root
    .shtool.12945  .shtool.27881  ksocket-rmoore
    .shtool.12971  .shtool.27907  ksocket-root
    .shtool.12997  .shtool.27933  mcop-rmoore
    .shtool.13233  .shtool.27959  mcop-root
    .shtool.13259  .shtool.27985  root_ispconfig_08_17_2005__16_06_38.tar.gz
    .shtool.13285  .shtool.28011  root_ispconfig_12_28_2005__10_24_36.tar.gz
    .shtool.13311  .shtool.28037  sysconfig-update
    .shtool.13337  .shtool.28063
    .shtool.13363  .shtool.28089
    In case this helps:

    ls -la /root/ispconfig
    /bin/ls: /root/ispconfig: No such file or directory
    ls -la /home/admispconfig
    total 9
    drwxr-xr-x  4 admispconfig admispconfig 168 Aug 17  2005 .
    drwxr-xr-x  5 root         root         128 Aug 17  2005 ..
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 admispconfig admispconfig  24 Dec 28  2005 .forward
    -rwxr-xr-x  1 admispconfig admispconfig 176 Dec 28  2005 .procmailrc
    drwxr-xr-x  8 admispconfig admispconfig 312 Aug 25 08:35 ispconfig
    drwxr-xr-x  2 admispconfig admispconfig 584 Aug 31 21:28 mailstats
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2006
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Does the ISPConfig MySQL database still exist?
  7. m u r

    m u r Member

    I'm guessing, based on the date, that this is new from the second update attempt.

    ls /var/lib/mysql
    .            mysql       mysqld.log-20060804.gz  mysqld.pid
    ..           mysql.sock  mysqld.log-20060827.gz  test
    ispconfigdb  mysqld.log  mysqld.log-20060901.gz
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2006
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Looks like the database ispconfigdb is your ISPConfig database.

    What's the output of

    mysql -u root -p
    USE ispconfigdb;
  9. m u r

    m u r Member

    rmmail:~ # mysql -u root -p
    Enter password: 
    Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
    Your MySQL connection id is 2 to server version: 4.0.21
    Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.
    mysql> USE ispconfigdb;
    Database changed
    mysql> SHOW TABLES;
    | Tables_in_ispconfigdb |
    | del_status            |
    | dns_a                 |
    | dns_cname             |
    | dns_dep               |
    | dns_isp_dns           |
    | dns_mx                |
    | dns_nodes             |
    | dns_secondary         |
    | dns_spf               |
    | doctype               |
    | groups                |
    | help_documents        |
    | help_nodes            |
    | isp_com               |
    | isp_dep               |
    | isp_dienste           |
    | isp_firewall          |
    | isp_htaccess          |
    | isp_isp_actions       |
    | isp_isp_admin         |
    | isp_isp_datenbank     |
    | isp_isp_domain        |
    | isp_isp_kunde         |
    | isp_isp_reseller      |
    | isp_isp_user          |
    | isp_isp_web           |
    | isp_isp_web_template  |
    | isp_monitor           |
    | isp_nodes             |
    | isp_server            |
    | isp_server_ip         |
    | isp_serverstatus      |
    | isp_traffic           |
    | isp_traffic_ip        |
    | listtype              |
    | login                 |
    | multidoc_dep          |
    | multidoc_nodes        |
    | session               |
    | sys_config            |
    | sys_dep               |
    | sys_modules           |
    | sys_news              |
    | sys_nodes             |
    | sys_user              |
    | user_groups           |
    46 rows in set (0.09 sec)
    mysql> quit;
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

  11. m u r

    m u r Member

    Are you sure this is the old database though? Based on the date, it looks like it was created during the second update attempt. Are you sure it contains all the old users? Or did I replace the old one with a new one when I tried updating ISPConfig?
  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please post the output of:

    ls -la /var/lib/mysql

    To see the date when the database directory has been created.

    Please run also:

    mysql -u root -p
    mysql> USE ispconfigdb;
    mysql> SELECT * FROM isp_isp_web WHERE 1;

    If you get a list of your websites, this database is the correct old one.
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Don't copy the mysql> from till's post. The queries (without mysql>) are:

    USE ispconfigdb;
    SELECT * FROM isp_isp_web WHERE 1;
  14. m u r

    m u r Member

    Nice. It looks like my sites are there (There are more, but it was too many characters -- in case you wondered why I was doing all this to salvage a few sites.). So now, I rename the database, install the PERL modules, re-install ISPConfig (The new version or the original version before I tried to update it?), then replace the database with the renamed database?
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2007
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Yes, that's right.
  16. m u r

    m u r Member

    So, do I install the new version of ISPConfig or the original version before I tried to update it (2.0.7)? Or does it matter?
  17. falko

    falko Super Moderator ISPConfig Developer

    Try the original one and update later.
  18. m u r

    m u r Member

    I renamed "ispconfigdb" and tried to install the PERL modules.

    When I tried install Net::DNS, I got all kinds of errors, ending in the following:

    DIED. FAILED test 1
            Failed 1/11 tests, 90.91% okay (less 10 skipped tests: 0 okay, 0.00%)
    Failed Test               Stat Wstat Total Fail  Failed  List of Failed
    t/00-load.t                 75 19200    77  148 192.21%  1 3 5-77
    t/01-resolver-env.t        255 65280    13   25 192.31%  1-13
    t/01-resolver-file.t         1   256     8    1  12.50%  1
    t/01-resolver-opt.t        255 65280    60  119 198.33%  1-60
    t/01-resolver.t            255 65280    44   87 197.73%  1-44
    t/02-header.t              255 65280    18   35 194.44%  1-18
    t/03-question.t            255 65280    11   21 190.91%  1-11
    t/04-packet-unique-push.t  255 65280    75  149 198.67%  1-75
    t/04-packet.t              255 65280    39   77 197.44%  1-39
    t/05-rr-opt.t              255 65280     7   13 185.71%  1-7
    t/05-rr-rrsort.t           255 65280    22   44 200.00%  1-22
    t/05-rr-sshfp.t              2   512    ??   ??       %  ??
    t/05-rr-txt.t              255 65280    28   55 196.43%  1-28
    t/05-rr-unknown.t          255 65280    18   35 194.44%  1-18
    t/05-rr.t                  255 65280   226  451 199.56%  1-226
    t/06-update.t              255 65280    72  143 198.61%  1-72
    t/07-misc.t                255 65280    22   42 190.91%  1-22
    t/09-tkey.t                  2   512     7   14 200.00%  1-7
    t/10-recurse.t               2   512    ??   ??       %  ??
    t/11-escapedchars.t          2   512    ??   ??       %  ??
    t/11-inet6.t                 1   256    11    1   9.09%  1
    2 tests and 17 subtests skipped.
    Failed 21/24 test scripts, 12.50% okay. 739/805 subtests failed, 8.20% okay.
    make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 1
      /usr/bin/make test -- NOT OK
    Running make install
      make test had returned bad status, won't install without force
    The final message after trying to install them all was the following:

    /usr/bin/make install UNINST=1 -- OK
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2006
  19. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Is this a debian installation?
  20. m u r

    m u r Member

    No, SuSe 9.2

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