I did a clean install because of the mail problems. Now it works better but I have one problem and that is that I can't login to get the mail. I see this error in my log files. imapd[21172]: Login disabled user=test auth=test host=localhost.localdomain [] I can login with my FTP but only not with Outlook to get the mail. I think it has something to do with the c-client.cf file in /etc because it refuses text login. But I don't what I can do about it because I have the c-client.cf file in /etc Did I miss something?
Which linux distribution do you use? Have you followed one of the perfect setup howtos? Have you tried outlook with pop3?
I use Debian Sarge 3.1 and followed the perfect setup. I followed the perfect setup. I used pop3 with Outlook. But also login in to webmail doesn't work. I can only connect with the FTP server.
Does your /etc/c-client.cf file have the exact same content than the one from the tutorial? Is the format the same (whitespace, etc.)? Do you use Unix linebreaks in that file? If you cannot get it to work, I suggest you switch to Courier (which is the better solution compared to using mbox).
I coppied the text from the perfect setup to the file. I also tried instead of the 0 the text nil what I saw in a few toppics ont he internet. But also this didn't help. If Courier is the better solution compared to mbox I like to know how I can switch to that. I can better switch then spending a lot of time trying to get this thing to work. Is this the wright way to go to Courier. apt-get install courier-imap courier-imap-ssl courier-pop courier-pop-ssl <- No And than activate Maildir in the admin panel?