Hi all and happy new year. I need to create 300+ email forwarders for a domain and I was wondering if there is a way to create them in a batch or so to avoid adding them one by one? Thanks
You can do that e.g. by using the remote API: https://git.ispconfig.org/ispconfig/ispconfig3/-/tree/develop/remoting_client
The database seems much easier.....which table/field is the proper one @Th0m to import these? Thanks a lot
Probably mail_forwarding, unless you want to use the 'cc' feature of a mailbox, which would be mail_user.
Thanks Jesse, do I need to sync somehow the rest of the servers afterwards or they will do automatically once the daily cron runs? This is on a multi server setup.
I'm doing something wrong as I can't make it work. I've import on the main control panel server under the dbispconfig DB and mail_forwarding tables the values I wanted without a problem via an sql insert. I've test and all data are there under phpmyadmin. Then I rsync everything via the control panel but when I do a select from the mail_forwarding table under my 3 email servers nothing gets into their mail_forwarding table. Also the new mail forwards don't get listed under control panel. Any ideas?
Have you set the correct server_id? If the other mailservers are mirrors, it should be the id of the main server.
Server id is on all entries 2. I had already added manually a couple in order to check the sql to be correct.
Somehow there was a typo in the sql (some \\ strings), once I empty the table and re-import it and afterwards rsync it worked fine.