How can I import a sql file (db and user created with ispconfig) as a jailkit shell user? (in which folder should I put the sql file?) When I try this: I get:
My best guess is that you haven't installed MySQL yet, that's what "command not found" usually means. Edit: Once you've installed MySQL and configured it properly this command should work fine: "mysql -u USERNAME DATABASE < DATABASE.sql", where DATABASE.sql is located in directory you are executing the command from. Also this is not really an ISPConfig question =)
Hi there, My server is running for 3 years now and i do have it installed Just the shell user has this issue.
The error means that mysql is not installed in the jail of this user. You can install it e.g. with the jk_cp command: e.g.: jk_cp -j /var/www/clients/client1/web1 /usr/bin/cvs /usr/bin/mysql to connect to mysql from within the jail, use the parametr -h mysql -h -u username -p