Hi there Well, you can choose some php options per vhost by the ISPConfig Panel, like PHPSafe mode. Now I should have the following php "special settings" on a vhost: register_globals ON implicit_flush ON auto_detect_line_endings ON magic_quotes_gpc ON ignore_user_abort ON register_long_arrays ON allow_url_fopen ON Is it possible to set these settings only to one of my vhosts? I know how I could do it with the php.ini, but that's global... Thx for your advice in advance, so long, p@sco
Solution Thx, this forum is great. I found the solution on myself. I just put the follow apache directives to the "apache directives"-Section of my ISPConfig Site: php_admin_flag register_globals on php_admin_flag register_long_arrays on php_admin_flag implicit_flush on php_admin_flag auto_detect_line_endings on php_admin_flag magic_quotes_gpc on php_admin_flag ignore_user_abort on php_admin_flag allow_url_fopen on Now my site works perfectly . Thanks, p@sco
You can also always add site specific options in a .htaccess file in your webroot. But your solution is just as good.
HMM, does this mean, EVERY Customer can create such a file for itself and so change the settings i made for this special side???
No, because its forbidden to set PHP settings in .htaccess files in every ISPConfig installation by default. The best way is to do it in the apache directives field to not open up security holes.
If they have access to that site directory by means of ftp or ssh, yes they can make a .htaccess file. The apache AllowOveride directive may limit what can be changed, but I have not tested php* variables. It's probably easy for you to test? E.g. Code: set php_admin_flag register_globals off and your test site will probably fail immediately. .htaccess files are read/processed after the main Apache configuration file.
But .htaccess can still be used to do other things like RewriteRule's. Or if someone messed enough with the default config files .....
@Till Maybe this is a nice feature for v3 (to have a gui to configure this per web and ISPConfig writes the directives itself)
Sure. For rewrite rules the .htaccess file is my first choice I just want to say that one must be careful with allowing too much things in .htaccess files if you dont want that your users will take over your server.
Yes. But there are really many directives and we must be careful that we dont offer too much choices so the user dont gets confused. The current ISPConfig version sets already several variables per user when you enable the apache directives checkbox. The drawback of these variables is, they wont work with SuPHP or PHP as CGI with SuEXEC. For SuPHP we will have to provide a separate PHP.ini file for every website if we want to have individual PHP settings.
UUPS! i had installed suPHP to have php4 and php5 at my server. i thought these directives will work also. can you please tell me more about the individual PHP.ini (or a link to read about)