infobot with ISPconfig

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by linuxbastard, Jul 23, 2008.

  1. linuxbastard

    linuxbastard New Member


    I've got a fedora 9 server with ISPconfig after I followed the perfect server by falko, and it's great so far, though i've run into a few snags here and there. Nothing really serious though and most of them, I was able to fix by reading up and following the excellent howtos and posts here.

    now I've got something else to chew on and I hope someone can help me out again.

    I need an autoresponder for a few users of my virtual domains. I've found a post here
    and read the links here
    but am a little hesitant to even try them out since I know and am currently using the vacation module for ISPconfig and I don't know what or how using those would affect my installation. Plus I've got issues with the autoresponder with ISPconfig right now and I don't want to compound that.

    I'd appreciate any help. Here's a little info about my system.

    32-bit x86 Fedora 9 server
    ISPconfig 2.2.24 (just upgraded)
    7 virtual domains
    behind a router that has a DMZ zone to the server

    I want to be able to setup 3 virtual domains each with a user or 2 that can be a catch-call (or not) and will respond with a template (txt or html).

    Right now, I've got the vacation module but it's only able to respond if the source of the e-mail is from one of the virtual domains because if it's coming from, say Gmail, my smtp blocks the autoresponse for not having a FQDN. (one more thing I'm trying to fix)

    If you're confused, join the club (weehehe) but I'll be happy to give any additional info you might need to help me with this.

    thanks in advance.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    ISPConfig has a builtin autoresponder function that works well. Why dont you use it, all the functions you describe are all implemeted in ISPConfig, there is no extra software or configuration needed, just enable the autoresponder cehckbox and enter the text.
  3. linuxbastard

    linuxbastard New Member

    built in autoresponder in ISPconfig

    Hi till,

    thanks for the reply. I've actually tried the autoresponder in ISPconfig but isn't it limited in the fact that it only replies once to an email address and only sends out one fixed reply no matter what the email subject is? I've read that it uses the .vacation.cache to check if the email address is unique and .vacation.msg for the message itself. Anyway we can modify that or do I really need another module for what I'm thinking of doing?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That's true.

    True as well.

    You could modify the procmail recipe. The template for it is in /root/ispconfig/isp/conf.
  5. linuxbastard

    linuxbastard New Member

    modifying procmail recipe

    can you point me to the right direction on how to do that? I'm stupid with code but with enough comments in it and a bit of googling I can usually get by.

    I'm reading on it now but a push in the right direction could really help.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  7. linuxbastard

    linuxbastard New Member

    reading up for infobot

    hi falko,

    thanks a lot for that, was already reading it. I'm in way over my head but I really want this to work. LOL

    I'm also googling other people's procmail recipe hoping for one that was clearly commented. :D

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