Have followed the howto.....http://howtoforge.com/monitoring-with-groundwork-open-source-centos5.1. All loaded up a ok. I used this how to because it was the simplest to follow, as I messed up big time with the first attempt the perfect server setup with centos. Which is my OS. I then have installed torrentflux using the how to.....http://howtoforge.com/ubuntu_lamp_torrentflux_vmware. And that seemed to go ok. But for some reason my init.d seems to be not working. Is there someway to find out what appache I have so I can rewrite it. Its very strange because when I run /etc/init.d/httpd restart. It performs the action and says that http server is ok. But its not. I get the error Starting HTTP Server[0m[61G[[0m[1;37;32m[63GOK[0m ] within webmin. Any ideas
What'S the output of Code: chkconfig --list ? What's the output of Code: netstat -tap directly after a reboot?
Thanks for the reply falko, but... Unable to access anything at the moment, server is un contactable, being re-installed. Will try again when back online, slowly this time!!!