Install ISPConfig 3 Without Internet Connection

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by Rex, Oct 2, 2009.

  1. Rex

    Rex Member

    Not everywhere always has fast internet connection. When we face unstable internet connection, it's always a problem. Plus when we need to install to several server in several time.

    I'm writing to request for a completed packages for CentOS 5.3 ISPConfig 3 which I can use them to install ISPConfig 3 without internet connection. It should include packages from CentOS which is need by ISPConfig 3. If you will make one, it could be a solid version which we will not worry about any problem cause by internet or numerous times of installation.

    I have time to wait if you will make it for us.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You dont need a internet connection for installing ISPConfig 3. Just download all packages to a usb stick or DVD and install them from there.

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