I worked all the steps in the commentary http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-8.10 Applied and everything is in the commentary server ubuntu 8.10 The host name server =serverwep.fm.com ip = and i install ispconfig 2 ispconfig its start ok Web-Server: Online FTP-Server: Online SMTP-Server: Online POP3-Server: Online BIND-Server: Online mySQL-Server: online --------------------- Web Server: On FTP Server: On SMTP Server: On DNS Server: On mySQL Server: On Firewall: Off ---------------------- wep sting httpd User -www-data httpd Group-www-data Conf. Dir.: /etc/apache2 httpd.conf: /etc/apache2/apache2.conf Document Root:/var/www Frontpage Path:/usr/local/frontpage/version5.0/bin/owsadm.exe access Log:/var/log/httpd/ispconfig_access_log Suexec:n --------------------- I want to work on the page, for example =ferasfm.com i creat cliant and hosting and site its ok if wrait from wep sit serverwep.fm.com/ferasfm.com it not work? if wrait from wep sit is not work? Are there any settings or things that must work in order, I can browse Please help me clear my work of web pages
Sure this does not work. You have to access sites by domain name. So you have to enter into the webbrowser the domain name of the webiste: ferasfm.com
And I'am tired of poeple that do not read the answers that they received.... Have you read my post? I told you what to do. From my post: So you have to enter into the webbrowser the domain name of the website: ferasfm.com What does this mean. You open a webbrowsera of your choice and every webbrowser has a field were you can enter a URL. There you enter "ferasfm.com".
Thank you for helping me, my brother, you have my full respect Excuse me and my to you because I do not know what was intended, I Can give me an example if Besit