Installation Problem with Ubuntu Server Desktop

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by dmontalv, Jan 17, 2007.

  1. dmontalv

    dmontalv New Member

    I'm a beginner with the whole ubuntu thing. I wanted to create my own server for the first time, and I thought that having a GUI would make things a little more clear since i'm a noob and have minimal experience with command like. I've tried for the past two weeks to install the ubuntu desktop for the ubuntu server 6.10 and also ubuntu 6.06 . After visiting many forums, I basically got that I needed to type this in:

    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop (which takes like 2 days to d/l)

    after that most of the sites said that I needed to just update all files by:

    sudo apt-get install upgrade

    (these aren't the only things i've tried, but this is the main jist of it)

    after that I just type:


    and then the desktop should load.

    Unfortuantely every single time I do all of this, it never works. When I restart my computer, my screen flashes and then it gives me an error saying that my files aren't configured correctly. Can anyone please help me resolve this. If possible would someone know where I can find step-by-step instructions for this?

    Thanks for the help...
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2007
  2. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    All I know is that I've dowloaded both the Ubuntu Server as well as the Ubuntu Workstation CD iso images and put each of them on a CD. Whenever I need to install a WS I use the Workstation CD, for a server install I use the server CD.

    After I've done that, I update /etc/apt/sources.list, run
    apt-get update && apt-get upgrade
    and I'm 'ready' (with the basic install).

    I never tried your route though. But in one line 'apt-get install upgrade' does not make sense to me. :confused:
  3. dmontalv

    dmontalv New Member

    "All I know is that I've dowloaded both the Ubuntu Server as well as the Ubuntu Workstation CD iso images and put each of them on a CD. Whenever I need to install a WS I use the Workstation CD, for a server install I use the server CD."

    Ok i'll definately try it that way , but I was told that there was a way to get the ubuntu server with a GUI.

    I know these questions might sound redundant, but after I download the ubuntu-desktop, how do I install that file correctly. Basically what I'm trying to do is make a server in my house, but I want a GUI so I can understand it a little bit more correctly.
  4. martinfst

    martinfst Member Moderator

    You need to burn a CD and boot from that CD and follow the installation instructions. The workstation version will start in a 'demo' mode directly from the CD, and on the desktop, you'll see a 'install on harddisk' button.

    You get a complete system with the GUI and you have all the things you would have on a server. You can install afterwards Apache as webserver on your WS, Install Postfix as mailserver (but be aware of the cavaets if you try to send emails directly from your home ADSL line to the internet). Anything.

    I agree there are possibly routes to do what you want, but I never used them. I just shared my 'workaround' ;)
  5. dmontalv

    dmontalv New Member

    OK I figured out the problem. Since I was given this computer from my old job, I didn't relize that it had a newer nvidia graphics card, and that there were so many problems with the nvidia video cards. Martin, I went and re-downloaded the ubuntu server CD, and loaded the Ububtu server onto the computer, the I downloaded the GDM.

    sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop

    and did upgaded like you told me on Jan 17. I still got the problem of loading startx. I then went in and moded my video card settings. I added 15000 kb of allocated memory for the video card, after that it worked perfectly.

    Thanks martin, cause ur reply jogged this discovery.....

    If you guys need more info, just reply to this and i'll post the EXACT steps that I took.

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