Installed but won't serve other than default site

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by digiplay, Apr 4, 2009.

  1. digiplay

    digiplay New Member

    I have set up Ubuntu 8.10 clean and installed ISPConfig 3 in it, following the installation directions. Was not able to complete the page of Hoard directions since I didn't know where it was.

    The problem I have run into, is that nothing other than the default site shows up. FTP works fine and gets to the correct directory for each domain. But http always ends up at the default.

    I've looked at everything. The links point correctly from /var/www to the other directory. The configuration files look to be generated correctly for the default and virtual domains.

    I'm lost where else to look.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Does the domain of the site that does not work points with a DNS A-Record to the IP of the server?
  3. digiplay

    digiplay New Member

    Yes it does.

  4. edge

    edge Active Member Moderator

    Did you set in "ISPconfig > Sites > the website > IP-Address" to the IP, or to the *
    If it's set to *, set it to the IP of the server, and try again!
  5. digiplay

    digiplay New Member

    That worked!

    I thought that the * would use any IP as a wildcard. Guess it has to be specific.

    Thank you.

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