Installed multiple server setup - master not showing

Discussion in 'General' started by Xenocide, Sep 20, 2010.

  1. Xenocide

    Xenocide Member

    Hi Guys + Gals,

    I'm trying to setup ISPConfig 3 with two machines thus (Both RHEL5):

    Server 1
    DB Server (only)

    Server 2
    Web server
    File server
    ISPConfig front end server

    I setup Server 1 with MySQL server and installed ISPConfig with the expert option thus:

    Except I said no to:

    Shall this server join an existing ISPConfig multiserver setup (y,n) [n]: <-- y
    and setup all of that stuff.

    Then I setup Server 2 and went through the same thing but I said yes to join current setup, gave it the db details and it connected ok. The DB users have been created on server1 so I guess it's all good.

    When I connect to server 2's ispconfig front end (port 8080 one..) then I can see all the stuff for server 1 but there's no mention of server 1...

    If you look in the server table in the database there's a line for each server so i'm a bit puzzled.

    Another thing is our antivirus listens on port 8081 so I changed the config in /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled/000-apps.vhost to 8082 - Does this need updating anywhere in the db?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Server 2 may not run a interface. Only the master server has a interface and can control all slave servers. Please do not login to the interface on server two as this will destroy the replication.

    If you set server 2 to be a mirror of server one, then ispconfig will mirror all configuration automatically to server 2. The interface on server 2 has to be removed by deleting the ispconfig.vhost file and the /var/www/ispconfig link.
  3. Xenocide

    Xenocide Member

    Ahh ok. I'll remove everything and give it another bash with that setup. Thankyou for your help!
  4. Xenocide

    Xenocide Member

    Just to say thankyou very much for that.

    I set it up again so that server 1 also has apache installed and has the WI installed. All working perfectly now.

    I also changed the port for the apps bit in the servers DB table.

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