I'm experimenting with clustering and this guide seems to work fairly well (we could use a Debian 9 version.) I have one question though. Letsencrypt certificate cloning to slave server seems to have problems. /etc/letsencrypt folder stays empty on the slave and since there is no ISPconfig panel on the slave we can't create cert locally using ISPconfig. What do you suggest as a solution? Sam
I would try to put /etc/letsencrypt and /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge directory on a (real-time) shared drive, e.g. by nfs. That way, the cert is available on both nodes instantly and the request from LE will go through no matter which node receives it.
Doesn't seem to work on the slave server. All the Letsencrypt files are replicated to the slave server but the website complains about "SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG "
Correction. After the last Rsync with ISPconfig tools and restart on slave server Letsencrypt started working. I'm going to change to rsync though. Unison seems a bit cranky.