Installing for a single website.

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by mojo6911, Mar 10, 2009.

  1. mojo6911

    mojo6911 New Member

    This is what I want to do:

    Have LAMP
    Host DNS and Email

    I only want to do it for my main website. I have tried installing version 2 and 3 and have ran into problems with the configuration.

    How do I set it up so that I only control one website and do everything above? If I add a client and host it that way, it seems to contradict the main settings.

    Does this make sense? The ISPCONFIG domain will be the same as a "client's" domain.
  2. id10t

    id10t Member

    Get a different name (dyndns, one provided by your hosting provider, etc) for the ispconfig side, maybe even a second IP. Even with one name, ispconfig will run off a different port than your single hosted site.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    And follow the perfect setup guide to the letter when you install your server and your system will work fine. by the way, if you tried ispconfig 2 and 3, make sure that you formatted your server and reinstalled it completely as ispconfig 2 and 3 are incompatible and you can not install the other version successfully on the same server without a complete reinstallation.
  4. mojo6911

    mojo6911 New Member

    Thanks. I have rebuilt the server after each time. How would I use dyndns domain with my Dns setup?

    I have registered ns1 and ns2 with my registrar and pointed them to each IP. I think that is the problem.
  5. id10t

    id10t Member

    When I set up with 2 ips I used an external DNS during my setup/config time and created and pointed that to one of my IPs, and I've got ISPConfig bound to that address only, running on https over 443. Once I had debian and ispconfig installed, i created the dns records, etc. for the domain via ispconfig, then in ispconfig setup I specified that the ip to use for hosting was the 2nd one.

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