Installing linux on usb hdd

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by anuvrat_parashar, Apr 19, 2009.

  1. anuvrat_parashar

    anuvrat_parashar New Member

    I wish to install linux on my external HDD.
    As I am not so comfortable with linux at the present moment I want to be able to run it along side XP on my laptop. Previous attempts of dual boot had failed drastically, destroying my windows partition and ruining all my data. So I want to be able to boot from my usb HDD.

    There are options in my boot priority menu which states USB HDD and USB Key.
    I tried and successfully installed both debian 5 and opensolaris 8.11 successfully on my external HDD using the bootable disk. But when it came to booting GRUB showed up with an error.
    NOTE:- I had tried all this with my internal hard disk disconnected.

    Presently I am running linux on virtual box but as you know it has its limitations.
    So please help me out.

    One more thing the external drive show up in the boot menu as USB key and not as USB HDD.

    First and foremost question "IS IT POSSIBLE?"
    reply soon guys...
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Take a look at uSbuntu Live Creator:
    I guess that works for installing Ubuntu on a USB HDD as well.

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