Installing Nginx With PHP5 (And PHP-FPM) And MySQL Support On CentOS 6.3

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Totenkopf, Nov 5, 2012.

  1. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf New Member


    Im currently running several shopware4 installations on an apache server with mod_php and pure-ftp, but ive got the problem, that i cant use the ftp server properly, because of mod_php. Now i wanted to make a sampole installation inside a VM with nginx and php-fpm and i already understood the syntax of nginx config files, but i cvant manage to get the installation of shopware running, because of the redirect rules. I can open my shopware basic folder, with the warning, that i should install shopware first and i can see the first page of the installation process, but right after i tried to change the language, or to go to the 2nd step, i get thron back to the shopware.php main site with the warning.

    First my configs:




    I do have a file to, located at /etc/nginx/sites-available with link to sites-enabled, but this one is ignored...

    Any ideas or suggestions?
  2. Totenkopf

    Totenkopf New Member

    Now i deleted the default.conf and changed the last nginx.conf include setting to "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*". Since then i get an "Redirect error"...

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